Friday, February 22, 2008

Rylan's New Tricks

So these days Rylan's newest thing is putting stuff on his head. It doesn't matter what it is. Let me post this disclaimer for those of you moms that are freaking out because I let him put bags on his head. . . as you can see from the pictures he is supervised.

He has also learned some new tricks. And he is so proud of himself.

Tada! Look no hands!

Yes, I did it!

Rylan has also taken up some new hobbies.


Playing the GuitarListening to David Crowder Band on the I-pod

He is keeping us very busy, but each day just gets more fun! There is nothing like a little boy!


Meredith said...

I MUST see that little boy soon! Look how tall he's getting...and look at those BEAUTIFUL curls! Oh, I love it! Miss and love y'all! Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Look! At! That! Hair!

amy said...

don't worry about things on the head! my boys STILL do that & they are 2yrs & 4yrs. the other day, they were taking turns putting a fold-up mesh hamper on their heads and walking around like that. they thought it was hilarious!! rylan is soooo stinkin' cute!! :0)

Stephanie said...

the way rylan does his arms as if saying "yes!" is SO YOU, erin! totally you.
HATE me in a hair net!
love you.

Unknown said...

Hi peeps, how ya doin, it’s my BFF’s phone, but it’s Rylan