Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coming Soon...

Some of you don't get to see me very often and have been wanting to see a preggo picture. Well here I am. The countdown has officially begun. My original due date was set for November 4, but after a recent ultrasound it looks as if our little girl might be big enough to come sooner. Mommy is hoping that is the case. For those of you gals that have carried babies in your belly, you understand the stage that I am in. It's time! Please pray that Emalyn continues to grow and is healthy. Hopefully my next blog will be welcoming her to our family.


Meredith said...

You are so pretty! I can't wait for that baby girl to get here - praying for you and love you!

Fahring Family said...

You look great! I know exactly what you are talking about... those last four weeks are rough! I am happy that she might make her deput a little sooner! Please let me know if you need anything... even if that means a playdate for Rylan so you can have a break. Two children is wonderful and such a blessing from the Lord. You will just be amazed at how much you can love two little souls!