With his new train set
Emalyn just turned 1 on October 27. My baby isn't really a baby anymore. Crazy how fast the time flies! Here are a few pictures of her.
Living Proof of God's Faithfulness
Rylan is starting to build actual buildings. . . not just really tall towers. He and I were both so proud of this one!
Emalyn loves her big brother so much! And now that she can play and interact with him a little more he gives her some attention. Here he is reading her his BIG TRUCK BOOK.
"Miss Priss" (my nickname for her) had a little trouble gaining weight from 4-6 months, just like Rylan. But when we started her on solids she has quickly added almost two pounds in just 6 weeks. I am making her baby food...and she loves it! She gets so excited when we put her in her chair to eat.
Our first trip to the pool this summer. Emalyn loved the water!
My batteries were dying so I didn't get a great picture of Rylan. As soon as we got there I put a life jacket on him and let him walk around in the kiddie pool. Not 10 seconds later, I was jumping in after him because he was stuck face first in the water. So we took the jacket off and tried the water wings and float. He did much better. I am just thankful that he's not like his mommy when it comes to having courage. I was afraid he may not want to get back in the water. Instead, I had a difficult time getting him out.
Well, it is now 8:30 and both are still asleep. I shall say goodbye for now, and I will probably write again in about...let's see...I am averaging 3 months I think.
So is a cupcake with chocolate icing. Just in case you missed Rylan's Halloween costume.
Reading the paper.
Rylan used to fit in this car seat.
Three weeks old.
Pictures by Shawna Pinney. Check out Art and Shawna's site. You can find a link at the right.
Playing with Noah Odom.
Go Dawgs!
Fun with Wiki Sticks from Zaxby's.
So proud of his own special tree for his room. He decorated it all by himself.
The star goes on top!
Getting ready to ride the train.
Mommy and Rylan on the train.
Daddy and Rylan on the train.
Playing with each other.
Our trip to see Santa Claus.
Ready to open presents.
Emalyn's cute little tobaggan.
Rylan and Emalyn's precious cousin Cohen.
Rylan got his own digital camera. Yes, it really does take pictures. Can you believe that?
After opening all the presents Christmas morning.
"Check out my new ride!"
Our sweet little girl.And our sweet little girl this afternoon after throwing up EVERYTHING all over Mommy and herself. The steroid didn't agree with her.
And this evening, here is Rylan showing what a big boy he is. He didn't fight this at all.
Hope you enjoyed our life in pictures.